Clear & Protect the Energy in Your Home

In this live workshop replay, I help you clear the old, stagnant energy from your home and create the protective boundaries needed to make your home feel like your sanctuary.

No matter the age of your home, it holds layers of energies from the people and events that have occurred there over the years.

While there has certainly been years of happiness and good intentions, there’s also energy left behind from years of anger, sadness, or grief from previous or current occupants, not to mention any kind of historical trauma that may have happened on the land or in the vicinity of your home.

These events and emotions leave behind lingering energy that weigh down your home and land and can ultimately affect your health and well being.

Regardless of your home’s past (or present) situation, it can benefit from a thorough and intentional energy clearing session, as well as some boundaries for the type of energy welcome in your home going forward.

Through this workshop, I'll guide you through meditations and hands-on exercises to clear the old, stagnant energy from your home, help cross over any earthbound spirits that might be lingering, and call in guardian spirits to protect your home going forward.

In order to clear and protect the energy in your home, there's three things you need to do:

  • Do a thorough cleanse of your space

  • Help any earthbound spirits who may be in your home to leave,

  • And call in guardian spirits to execute your energetic home protection plan.

Here's what we'll do in the workshop:

First, you’ll do a thorough cleanse of your space. This will help to remove all of the general, low vibe energy from your home that gets left behind after arguments, sickness, or anything that just isn’t serving you any longer.

During the workshop, I'll guide you through a meditation and some specific actions you can take to immediately shift the vibe of your home.

Next, I’ll take you step-by-step through helping any earthbound spirits who may be in your home to leave. Even the friendly ghosts are negatively affecting the energy in your home.

We can help them understand that it’s time to leave this plane so they can reconnect with source energy (and their families!).

I promise, it’s a beautiful and loving experience to offer this assistance and I’ll walk you through the entire process.

Finally, you'll call in guardian spirits to execute your energetic home protection plan.

Guardian spirits are like your day-to-day security system for your home. They will follow whatever instructions you’d like to give them for protecting your home and keeping the energy clear so that you don’t have to do it all yourself.

By the end of the workshop, you will have cleared the stagnant energy from your home and have a plan to keep it feeling happy and healthy going forward!

The Cost is $49

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