The Alchemical Journey

Exploring the Parallel Worlds

Thursday, October 3rd at 2pm Central Time

I'll be hosting a hands-on workshop on Thursday, October 3rd to explore the parallel worlds through shamanic journeying.

In order to begin land healing work, you need a method to meet, engage and partner with the Spirits of the Land. My favorite way to do that is through shamanic journeying.

An alchemical journey lets you experience another parallel world layered on top of the reality that we experience in order to see, hear, and sense energy and spirits who also inhabit this world and then partner with them to help bring the places you live and visit into balance and harmony.

Through this workshop, I'll guide you through meditations and hands-on exercises to practice receiving intuitive information in a journey state, meet an animal guide in the Lower World and then experience the Middle World with the Spirits of the Land.

In order to partner with the Spirits of the Land, there's three things you need to do:

  • Understand how you most easily receive intuitive information.

  • Have a method for safely journeying in the Middle World.

  • Learn how to call on and engage with the Spirits of the Land for healing work.

Here's what we'll do in the workshop:

First, you’ll want to have a sense for how you most easily receive intuitive information. Can you see energy clairvoyantly? Do you hear messages in your head? Or do you feel the messages in your body? During the workshop, I'll guide you through a meditation to experience each of your different intuitive senses and get a feel for which one is strongest for you.

Next, you’ll learn how to safely journey in the Middle World. This parallel world isn’t all love and light. It is, however, where the Spirits of the Land reside, so you need some skills for journeying in this world and discerning who you meet when you get there.

I will walk you through what you need to know about working in this world and lead you through how to protect your energy when you journey there.

Finally, you'll learn how to call on and engage with the Spirits of the Land for healing work. This is where the alchemy happens! You + the Spirts of the Land = Magic.

During the workshop, you'll take everything you learn and meet the Spirits of the Land to learn how you can work together to do healing work and begin to see real change in our world.

By the end of the workshop, you’ll have the skills you need to shift your consciousness into the liminal realms and begin communicating and working with the Spirits of the Land where you live or anywhere you visit.

Here's how it works:

  • This will be a live workshop on Thursday, October 3rd from 2-4pm Central Time. It will be recorded if you’re unable to join us live.

  • Before the workshop, have a place in mind that you’d like to journey. It could be your home or a place in nature that you love or are feeling called to work with.

The cost is $49.

I look forward to journeying with you and the Spirits of the Land!

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